B4L | Geo the Geo | 🔜 COMBOBREAKERさんのプロフィール画像

B4L | Geo the Geo | 🔜 COMBOBREAKERさんのイラストまとめ

| 18 | Anji’s greatest goon | I make some very silly sketches | Mid at everything | Splatoon and Guilty Gear stuff mostly | 🚫AI | 🦋#ANJIBROS 🦋

フォロー数:2304 フォロワー数:1486

Brother this comment is a month old your goofy ass character ain’t getting unbanned

Plus, I didn’t say he didn’t take skill, I’m saying that he’s not playing smash bros

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I will never understand why y’all get up in arms about characters becoming white in their alts, it’s just a color swap. And y’all never get angry about white characters changing skin tone either.

Like, as long as it’s drip, it’s fine imo and it’s not harming anyone.

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I’ve hit this move 2 times consecutively on 5 separate occasions

They were all against pot/sin mains so take that as you will https://t.co/T1MPPgzwYo

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I’m just saying and step it up buddy do it out of turn

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I will never forgive myself for wanting to play these two when I first got strive

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