Splinter Comicsさんのプロフィール画像

Splinter Comicsさんのイラストまとめ

Comics, illustrated essays, and graphic journalism published on Splinter (formerly Fusion)

フォロー数:98 フォロワー数:4836

Cartoon flashback: More things for Islamophobes to be afraid of https://t.co/qVbkIXdCsM

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Is Trump a fascist? Does it matter? Comic by https://t.co/iPiIKRQHiS

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How America will not respond to the Planned Parenthood attack, by https://t.co/OSqvVqrUPf

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How the GOP approach to ISIS might backfire, by https://t.co/Ux4Ee0cOml

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Who's fighting in Syria? A cartoon explainer by https://t.co/HPliE3R6Cu

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The endless debate over women in power, campaign edition - https://t.co/Wb6u5ENtmd by

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Why trans visibility in pop culture is so important: A comic essay by https://t.co/CL4mDtz3hq

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