

"Please don't forget the accessory machine gun!"

Writer's Tag: #IsaOfTheIsle, Married

PFP by @HoiPoiGal
Banner art by koh_ on Pixiv

Fan Account for RP/Parody

フォロー数:687 フォロワー数:1274

is examining Launch's brain.

the fuck-?

Art by ZDantroy on DeviantArt

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ZDantroy on DeviantArt again no credit.

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I couldn't find the first image but the 2nd and 3rd one I didn't even need to look up. Because there are watermarks right fucking there.

2. Rockystar and 3. Echosaber

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Mannungei on Pixiv

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Here I will be showing the art she stole without crediting and sometimes without even saying a damn thing.

1st image: EchoSaber who even has a watermark there, you have no excuse not to credit the artist on any of them but this had a watermark. So you really don't have an excuse

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