

THE LEGENDARY!!!!!!!!! SploogieMcNoodle | propic by @iiiichimarU_03

フォロー数:485 フォロワー数:1097

Might as well dump this here too. A throwback to the time Yugi Kido summoned the Dark Thanatos Girl

38 130

It's time to duel...

572 1598

Been replaying Mega Man Battle Network recently...

17 84

This selphie i took with youshould explainm it

1 8

My personal opinions on Seth matchups...

These are from the players I've fought, vods I've watched, discussion about matchups with others, and how I feel in general.
Don't take it too seriously, I'm not an expert on everything in UNIST

14 51

Sick + cute art drew for me. Gonna use it for my Twitch channel. Thanks dude!

8 44

Already have this sick Freeman one if you want it...

0 1