

I love coding! 👩🏻‍💻
JS, React & Redux with a bit of Python on the side! 🐍 🤓

Interested in humane tech and increasing rights for all.


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Today would be a great day to arrest the officers who killed Breonna Taylor.

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Today is Breonna Taylor’s birthday.
I created this illustration to remember her, and took some time to learn about the wonderful person she was.
Click the link below to fight for justice for her.


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Neither a spurge nor a laurel, the Spurge Laurel is bundle of contradictions. Get ready for some serious plant-education. 😂

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When I saw a picture of Toothwort, I knew I had to include it. Not only does it look like a predatory alien, it sort of is one? 😨 It’s a parasitic plant that lives of the roots of trees and kills insects through it’s delicate leaf hairs… then digests them.

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Also I am still open for plant portraits / commissions on my shop, I've cut the price too so they are now just £50 each and at the end you'll have your own personal piece of art <3

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The pignut! A lumpy little tuber that can be dug up and eaten, most popularly by wild boars before they became extinct in England.

Apparently there is a growing population of wild roaming farm-escapee piggies that still love to sniff out and burrow for this starchy treat.

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The plant Shepherd’s purse is called such because it’s fruits are small, triangular, and purse shaped. This immediately makes me think again of fairies, or some other small mythical creature, or the Borrowers (books I obsessed over as a child)

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The dog’s mercury plant provides early flowers as little gems to find in the forest.
This plant can grow in both the sun and the shade, and that affects if the flowers have a stamen or pistil - pollinators (bee-friends, tiny beetle-guys etc) then carry pollen from one to another

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I had to include at least one mushroom because they are just so completely fascinating.⠀

They grow in the strangest places, one moment there’s nothing, the next they seem to appear from nowhere, clustered tightly together, bonded in a way humans can’t understand. ⠀

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And for today, day 2, my illustration is inspired by chickweed. Both considered weeds but both beautiful plants in their own right.

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