

20 Years Old.
A Derp and A Friend
Small Artist with a Big Heart
I play on PS4 & PC Mainly
Read Pinned.

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So if you don't know this Robot Boye
is the creator of the OC and he asked me to make him a small bean (no pun intended)

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Introducing OC's
Buenita and SnowBare

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I finally made it the Great Bonk
but I also re made the Horny Bonk for Cuddles and

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So I am Remaking them with a better backpack a that fits them

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So asked me to make him one so I did

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At this point I took some suggestions from friends and requests too
Manti suggested I do
wanted me to make her one,
I felt bad that was thinking he was be hated so I made him one.
I thought it would be funny to make one for

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Yes, I am still making these
these two are for and

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Ok I'm done for now the last ones of Gaming Bullshit
I hope I did good

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I'm on a spree with edits Right Now
enjoy the Lil' Bare
im sorry

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