

Artist │Grappler Main │Creator of various silly things │ Maya Fey stan │ He/Him

フォロー数:1458 フォロワー数:661

im astounded at the sheer smugness of this Athena sprite

0 2

Patiently awaiting the eventual Guilty Gear Calliope stream :}

19 50

Gawrfield (Gurafield?)

92 336

“Wait, what was I doing?”

19 270

I think we should ratio this guy with our own art

5 51

That blackmilk super mario anniversary outfit is pretty cute... 😳👉👈

4 13

Scott Pilgrim is trending, post art of Kim Pine :)

0 4

Clip Studio do be automatically shading my drawings with edit -> colorize tho 👀

0 3