

Someone with an interest in hypnosis, skills with editing, and a creative mind~ | 28 | Switch |
Profile by @GojulasArt

フォロー数:967 フォロワー数:1856

Stop right there, dear reader~!
It's time I introduce something new~
Something I want to do every so often~
Hypno Art Appreciation~!
Come to me, artists of the hypnotic variety~
Beguile us with your works~

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Oh, it's a special day, hmm~?
Mmm, is it not~?
A day to appreciate a soft, warm, welcoming chest~
Ehehe, well then, mine is here, dear readers~
Go on~
Get lost in them~
Feel their warmth as they melt your mind~
Squishing it right into a blissful embrace~

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Feel that sweet bliss~?
That wave of happiness~?
As it spins in your mind~?
Aww, dear reader~
You're getting lost in it, aren't you~?
That's okay~
Just let it envelop you~
And show just what it means to me~
That you're here, enjoying my stories~

5 33

Hello, dear readers~
Hope you're all having a lovely day~
I wanted to make a little something for ~
And we both wanted to share it~
So why don't you stare for a while~?
Let the spiral spin your silly mind away~
And enjoy it for a long while~

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It's a nice feeling to wake up after a fun night with friends~
Maybe you'll wake up with them~
Spending time reminiscing about the fun you had~
Maybe they'll sleep in with you~
Cuddling you close as you dream with them for a while longer~
Which could it be, dear reader~?

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I've captivated you with my words~
Isn't that right, dear reader~?
Truly grasps the essence of that feeling~
Helpless to read more and more~
Every word pulling you closer~
Hmhm~ Say it for me~
Show what you are~
Cap...ti...va...ted~ ❤️

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And of course, dear reader~
The more you take care of yourself, the more energy you'll have to be even better~
To put towards those who mean a lot to you~
Never forget the ones who support you~
Always remember, you mean something to them~

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It's never too selfish to take time for yourself~
Even if just for a moment~
That moment can mean the world to your tired mind~
Find that moment, seize it~
And when you do, always remember to be proud of the things you put your heart and soul into~

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Here's a little three-parter for you all~
The story of a cute, diligent maid~
Never forget to take proper care of yourself~
No matter how busy you get~
How much you strive to be your best~
Always make sure that you take time to recollect yourself~

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What if you were to run into a young woman, as charming and beautiful as the stars~? And she wanted you to do nothing but watch her, and let her beauty take you in~? Would you just be left...starstruck~? And at a lost for words just continue to stare~? ✨🌙❤️

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