

Hello! I'm an autistic trans guy (he/him)
I am 15
I like art, dnd, cosplay, and fnaf
I check twitter sometimes, but I'm pretty much inactive for now

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Haven't drawn my eldritch snake god in a while, so here he is :D

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Friend was working on a Mandela Catalogue based thing and this is my character in it + alternate version :D

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Made a drawing of Deceit last night, super proud of the coloring and anatomy :D

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Not the official name, but that is what he is called for now :D

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Painting I made because I can't sleep, e n j o y w a t e r b o i

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Deceit feral form from a roleplay I've been doing, took about 10 hours :D

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Random drawing of Deceit, been struggling to draw for like 2 days and finally got something :D

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