

Artist | Gamer | Video Editor | Freelance Voice-actor

フォロー数:641 フォロワー数:2350

Not even gonna try justifying this

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I'm just gonna cheat, and say Ibuki from Street Fighter

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Hmmmmmm... Not sure if you're much of a DB person, but I guess Shin?

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A few more bad IDW Eyelid Edits? Ehh, why not?

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So, out of boredom, I did a few terrible edits of a few IDW Comic pages where Sonic's (and Amy's) eyelids are changed to match their skin instead of their fur.

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After much consideration, and multiple different choices to work with from an assortment of Discord servers, I think I have my choices all outlined. Might pull a and do a Part 2 with the choices I didn't get. Who knows? https://t.co/Ck6J0aEpl5

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My (seemingly) Controversial Sonic Opinions

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Me: "Alright! New year, new possibilities! I'm going to start keeping at my goals, and nothing is going to sto-!"
Also me: "What was that you say, My Brain? You want me to ruin my throat some more for a meme?! THAT'S A GREAT IDEA!!"

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