

18 He/Him|Goats:@Z2Z_Z2 @RyloKen67 @CreshMaguire @RyuNoDojima @SlashBeuh @YxngPxpsi @SK36epic @connorpogger

ALT: @PotatoFilms2

フォロー数:779 フォロワー数:1945

This thumbnail goes hard

8 54

EX Cooler & EX Turles is actually cool

3 22

What if SSJ4 Gogeta fought SSB Vegito(Gogeta wins of course) (Anime accurate btw)

9 64

Gamma 2 my beloved 🙏🛐

4 16

Retweet to scare Future Gohan Legends fans

50 115

Yall asked...... And I delivered...... Sigh......

85 442

15 likes and I rap

16 104

Toriyama can come up how ever many fusion characters he wants but none of them will ever be better than original 2

5 52