

EA Game Developer | Illustrator | Professional Artist | Writer | Level Designer | Editor | Friend

フォロー数:60 フォロワー数:34

Happy Easter Everyone!🥚

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Even cat-imps can get zoomies.

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Aethonites have two ways to communicate with each other, verbally, or using a magical medium called Psy-Speak which acts like a telepathic translator.

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Hoeire are a working-class Aethonite, frequently caught and tamed for their incredible strength and stability. They are used to pull and move large objects. Smaller Aethonites may even ride them as a battle-mount.
Average Size: 5-6ft | 800-1,100lbs

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Hot-tempered, foul, and chaotic Aethonites. Fire-Imps are a monstrous species of imp, known for their blazing temperatures and ability to catch on fire when threatened. They are basically blind, and use their tendrils to feel the world around them.
Average Size: 3-4ft | 8-15lbs

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A Gooling is the name given to immature/child Aethonites as they grow to reach their finalized forms. They're born as a purple goo-like substance, which later takes on a hardened, finalized form based on what they see around them.
Average Size: Varies based on growth

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Notorious kleptomaniacs, raiders, and pyromaniacs with an insatiable curiosity for anything that moves. They are extremely social and usually operate in large swarms to make up for their small stature.
Average Size: 2-4ft | 40-80lbs

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"Some weaker Aethonites will swallow their money so it cant be stolen from them, regurgitating it later when they need to use it. However, an Aethonite is not supposed to do this in a shop, as it is seen as being exceptionally rude."

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