

Skill ISSUE!! Twitch:

フォロー数:98 フォロワー数:150

"Good morning everyone! Gonna be working on some vids today but I hope yall's day is just as exciting!"

3 8

"Just feeding Carbuncle until it's time for me to sleep. How is everyone's night going?"

1 6

"Ah I-I see.. that's good to know. Hm?" Satan turns over to Pierrot as he reached out to get the turkey leg from her. "Oh thank you for the food." Satan smiled at her then he took a bite out of it.

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"Hmm... things are well. How are things for you?" Satan felt mildy annoyed for still being called a green annoyance but he just shrugged it off anyway.

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"Oh..? I didn't see you there.. Come over and let's.. hang out."

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"Hmm yup.. my friends."

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"D-Doppel?" He was shocked to see her disappear into a portal before hearing a ringing sound come from behind. He turned around and saw Pierrot was behind him, figuring that they made the portal which confuses him. "Pierrot...."

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"Oi.. I hope all my friends are having a good day today. I'll just be.. walking around for the moment."

3 9

"It's not a bad thing you say? I'm guessing you must care about me to some extent but not so much?"

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