Sr. Lemon 🍋 COMMISSIONS OPEN 🍋さんのプロフィール画像

Sr. Lemon 🍋 COMMISSIONS OPEN 🍋さんのイラストまとめ

[ESP / ENG] Illustrator, roleplay lover and a great Warcraft fan.

フォロー数:448 フォロワー数:2962

It's been long since I did something that manga style, but that kind of draw have his own charm ^w^
Also its a commisión I made for who's been really kind

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I'v been some fun hours working in one of my commissions, and i'm not that far of finishing it by now. I just love the way I did the feathers, didn't want them to be plain ^w^

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I'm going to do the color for a pice I'm working on, so i needed to warm up for that a bit. This is Seladriel, my warlock from , hope you like him even if its a quick draw ^w^

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*Point herelf* I'm an artist with open commissions, fo i will let you here some of my art and my fees, hope you like it. also you can see more of my work on my twitter

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Hi! it will be nice to work that theme, so i will let you here some of my art and fees. Please keep me in mind ❤

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Hi! Im commission open, so i will let you here some of my art and my fees, feel free to dm me if you like them. Also, take care of yourself ^^

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Hi! I'm currently open for commisions. I will let here some of my art and my fees, also you can see more of my work in my twitter.

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Hi! I'm with open comission and thouth that maby you will like my style, so i will let here some sample of my art and my fees ^^ You can see more of my work in my twitter

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Hi, i'm actually open for commision, so u can pass my data on your friend if u thik my style can fit him. Theres some of my art and my fees, also you can see more of them in my twitter ^^

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