

Nothing to read here @Ssamachi_Tae08

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6293719464 reasons why I love manhwa 😭😭😭😭

4 72

pssspspss 01z line adult ceremony dance practice pls psssppppsss

5 40

I don’t even know that dispatch promoted IZ*ONE comeback LOL

105 861

Nako and Hitomi as anime girls ❤️❤️❤️

19 57

Online concert => 1st Official MD => 2nd Official MD=>Japanese album => Pop up store items => Korean Album.


35 161

If SoBa plays dirty with babydeuls imma fly to Korea and sneeze at the Pd’s face. SORIBADA I’m watching

16 73

So, when will they open the fund that raise to buy izone members’ contract as a gift to IZ*ONE? I’m willing to drop my card

74 341