

28 (NSFW)*NO MINORS* .Fat dinosaurs are based. -not affiliated with the fatfur communities drama *edited* -page no longer in use-

フォロー数:127 フォロワー数:20022

This cat won't be goin' anywhere anytime soon, also i gotta change the donation link cause i gotta sort a thing or 2 with ko-fi, heres the new donation link
* Donations will act as the same as before*

143 456

Birthday gift for the birthday boy, shoulda got a bigger couch ngl, happy birthday 😄🎉

40 212

She just gets bigger, ooops

74 330


101 521

booty because im desperate rn

57 282

she finally arrived at my island, she packed on more that just a few boxes of luggage though, she wears it well 😊

73 325

decided to name her pepper

57 319

hhhmmm, shes got potential

1 59