

28 (NSFW)*NO MINORS* .Fat dinosaurs are based. -not affiliated with the fatfur communities drama *edited* -page no longer in use-

フォロー数:127 フォロワー数:20022

I tried to use auto desk sketchbook
*an attempt was made*

142 633

Some doodles of demma, only now do I realize she’s like a frog/alien

114 507

Maybe her place is actually built for a real gamer, reinforced sets, large stockpile of food, and clothes that don’t give up so easily
Either that or she was worried her ass wouldn’t fit out the door if she stayed much longer

137 632

Rak performing a squish test, you know, for research on her metabolism

117 611

More sweaty monkee

103 592

There’s no clever caption, just a couple tons of hot and sweaty monkey rolls

93 511

I guess that counts…

236 957

*slams fists on table many times*

212 1009

Comm for of Angel Dust using kinks to draw in more clients

178 729

She had too much

105 609