

26 Dnd/Pokemon/Comics and more
This is my Art Twitter, have fun finding the NSFW Twitter.

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Homoculi, a guide to their habits, lifestyle and behaviors.

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So recently I've been doing a playthrough on youtube of Stick of Truth and man....I liked it a little TOO much

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I revisted a design concept from my freshman year of collage-a plushie series of toys called KITTY PILLERS

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Warlock Helena and her beloved Kenku brother DANNY

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TFW those little monkey mammals you chased around 2.3 million years ago for giggles selectively bred a dog to be 100% Fireproof.

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Wally and his Medical Support Guardivor

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So out of left field- I didn't expect the Jonses to be my new favorite Pokemon in SV.

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HEy can I get like 7 more of these Blonde Tadpole fucking bitches?

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