ゴDaily Standsゴさんのプロフィール画像

ゴDaily Standsゴさんのイラストまとめ

Welcome to Daily Stands, I will be posting pictures of stands belonging to JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Work of Hirohiko Araki.
Acc Run by: @NotUrSenpai5

フォロー数:128 フォロワー数:554

real gun. However, to conserve accuracy as well as prevent adversaries from predicting where it will fly, he must carefully and lightly tap the object several times.

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to enter Sale's body.
Kinetic Energy Accumulation: Kraft Work can also add kinetic energy to frozen objects. y repeatedly touching a locked object enough times, Sale can build up kinetic energy in it before releasing it; he is thus able to launch a bullet with as much power as a

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the immobilization can be delayed after Kraft Work has touched it, allowing Sale to throw things in front of them and make them stop them mid-air.Kraft Work can also be used defensively, as it can freeze any projectile that it comes in contact with, even if it has already started

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motionless with respect to another object, including Sale himself. Kraft Work also allows Sale to make people partially stuck in place after they come in contact with something Kraft Work has affected. There is no limit to the number of objects Kraft Work can freeze in place, and

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Kraft Work
✧ User: Sale
✧ Part: Golden Wind
✧ Position Locking: Kraft Work can take the kinetic energy out of anything it touches, locking those objects in place. This can either take the form of making an object be stuck to a particular space or making it

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cliente entonces vuelve a la normalidad como si nada hubiera pasado, pero con la dolencia ahora completamente curada. Es notable que un plato específico es compatible con una dolencia específica, lo que significa que el comedor puede ser servido un plato que no están dispuestos a

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incurables siempre que los ingredientes correctos estén involucrados.
Después de que Tonio diagnostica enfermedades específicas a través de la lectura de la palma, prepara un plato de alta clase y en el proceso infunde Pearl Jam en él.
Es ambiguo si Pearl Jam influye en la

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Pearl Jam
✧Usuario: Tonio Trussardi
✧Parte: Diamond is Unbreakable
✧ Cocina Curativa: Pearl Jam tiene la capacidad de curar enfermedades a través de la ingestión de un plato específico. Los límites de esta capacidad son desconocidos, aunque puede curar enfermedades

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specific dish is compatible with a specific ailment, meaning the eater may be served a dish they are unwilling to eat and inversely an incompatible eater won't be cured.

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