ゴDaily Standsゴさんのプロフィール画像

ゴDaily Standsゴさんのイラストまとめ

Welcome to Daily Stands, I will be posting pictures of stands belonging to JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Work of Hirohiko Araki.
Acc Run by: @NotUrSenpai5

フォロー数:128 フォロワー数:562

una breve exposición le dificultaba respirar, y a plena exposición, puede matar a una persona.
El hermano menor de A. Phex no es inmune a su propio veneno. Así esconde su Stand dentro de un balón de fútbol que lanza o patea al enemigo.
Schott Key No.2 se puede usar en combinación

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Schott Key No.2
✧ Usuario: Hermano Menor A. Phex
✧ Parte: Jojolion
✧ Gas Tóxico: Schott Key No.2 libera constantemente un gas tóxico, cuya fuerza no se muestra en su totalidad. El gas es lo suficientemente potente como para quemar la piel de Josuke al contacto y

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Key No.1, as the elder A. Phex Brother can touch the zipper on the soccer ball with his left hand to spread Schott Key No.2's toxic gas with his right hand.

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difficult for him to breathe, and at full exposure, it can kill a person.
The younger A. Phex brother is notably not immune to his own poison. Thus he hides his Stand inside a football which he throws or kicks at the enemy.
Schott Key No.2 can be used in combination with Schott

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Schott Key No. 2
✧ User: Younger A. Phex Brother
✧ Part: Jojolion
✧ Toxic Gas: Schott Key No.2 constantly releases a toxic gas, the strength of which is not shown in full.
The gas is potent enough to burn Josuke's skin on contact and a brief exposure made it

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Spice Girl
✧ Usuario: Trish Una
✧ Parte: Vento Aureo
✧ Suavecimiento: Spice Girl es capaz de suavizar cualquier material que golpea. Cuando Spice Girl golpea algo con sus puños, puede suavizar dicho objeto en una consistencia similar a la goma. Cualquier material,

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moving objects like bullets, causing projectiles to merely flatten upon contact. Not only that, moving objects that are softened retain their kinetic energy when returned to normal, allowing Trish to unleash surprise attacks using projectiles that were thought to be neutralized.

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softened into the same state. Said objects gain consistency and elasticity akin to rubber or putty, unable to be crushed even by a strong Stand or be punctured by any force including sharp objects and thus making said object actually many times more resilient. It can even soften

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Spice Girl
✧ User: Trish Una
✧ Part: Golden Wind
✧ Softening: Spice Girl is able to soften any material it strikes.
When Spice Girl hits something with its fists, it can soften said object into a rubber-like consistency. Any material, even metal or rock, will be

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