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フォロー数:629 フォロワー数:8518

At the beginning of their relationship, any sort of loving or romantic gesture, no matter how small, would immediately turn MBJ's stoic face into a blush. He was extremely unused to doing these sort of gestures, being the icy warlike demon that he was✈️❄️

399 2048

Year of the Rabbit, so have rabbit Moshang🐇
MBJ getting turned into a 🐇 when accidently encountered a papapa plot device (gives one the libido of 🐇), but something went wrong and he got turned into an actual rabbit. SQH loves it tho. MBJ begrudgingly allows pats. Many pats.

396 2177

Sure,SQH would admit to be the first to flee at even the slightest sound of a sword unsheathing. But now that he has a wife, and he has a duty to support his king in any battlefield. He might be the king of cowardly rats, but he can learn to man up a bit for his king✈️❄️

204 1252

Oh sure, a sword can get kill a man, but SQH knew that words were more deadly🐀All Dawang had to do was point him in a person's direction, and within a week, all sorts of secrets/rumours will be unearthed and brought to light. And after that, all a certain-

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Cumplane ✈️🥒
It all started with an innocent joke, when SY bought some cakes that SQH had been drooling over and can never afford from that expensive new bakery in the city🥒✈️And as he wondered why his friend was get so worked up over said joke, he watched in passively as-

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SQH however, seemed to remain the same before and after.

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The palace servants were staring in both equal fascination and horror. Their cold hearted, stone faced, downright cruel king was averting his eyes and.. blushing. Their dawang, was blushing❄️🐭This image, forever burned into their minds, and for a few, especially at night. Most-

252 1665

Wherever his Junshang SY, pointed, SQH went. And wherever the King of the Northern Desert went, ice, darkness, and chaos enveloped.❄️✈️ Dangerous, and cunning, eventually all surrendered and fell to their knees. Those brave enough to fight back, were promptly iced and shattered.

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