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My guess is that MBJ didn't originally start out with the tits out kind of fashion. It was learnt behavior :V❄️

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You might be a pacifist, a lover not a fighter, a mouse not a tiger etc etc.. You know everyone is usually stronger than you, but you might as well make sure that if you're going to be eaten, you'll be the meal they'll pay dearly for.

434 2151

Even the most timid mice will go feral when provoked and bullied too much. And being the only mouse in a den of wolves, it's bound to happen. However, gentle head rubs always makes them happy again🐭❄️

353 1869



Immaturity, does not go away with age.

MBJ: I am disappointed, I am disgusted ..

68 461

There would be the usual 'Whos-the-best-version' competition. One has ice powers, the other is an immortal cultivator. But one has the internet, games and cigs. Automatic superiority amongst Qinghuas🐭

145 1188

I imagine that if by some system glitch or magic sword hijinks, SQH is visited by alternate selves, he would have a grand old time :V Best sleepover ever. MBJ, after the initial violent reaction and shock, would probably be quite intrigued 🐭❄️

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Blind-as-a-bat vampire and Seeing-eye-helldog🧛🐶

8 120

When you're the royal advisor, expect to be assassinated a few times. Especially if you're human and married to royalty. SQH been hit so many times, he's just desensitized to it. He wears the scars like a badge. Not leaving his Dawang anytime soon hah!🐭❄️

527 2337

SY: Why CANt get Gf
SQH: *looks at room full of LBH merch & memorabilia*
Like bro🤷
I like to imagine that maybe both SQH & SY are bi. But SY is a bit slow on the uptake that preferences might lean towards guys. With long hair. Huge tits. Demonic powers. But who knows?

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