🌸Blooming Starbean🌸さんのプロフィール画像

🌸Blooming Starbean🌸さんのイラストまとめ

Animal Artist || Comic Creator || 23 || She/He/They || Wiccan

🌺🌸 Blessings 🌸🌺

フォロー数:205 フォロワー数:60

Anastasia is a kittypet sporting -- her words -- beautiful white and gray tabbed fur and reddish eyes, two scars upon her muzzle and a huge pink bow. She was once a rogue, but finds kitty-pet life easier, she scares the kitty-pets around her for fun


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Amberbelly, a Shadowclan warrior with blazing orange spikey fur and sea blue eyes. She hates non-clanborn cats, but after being, no joke, body slammed after fighting a clanmate by a non-clanborn visitor, she grew to like /that/ tom.


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Alcove, a rouge with a snowshoe like pelt and dark brown eyes, he and his sister split up after his sister went to join the clans, much to Alcove's annoyance. He has a temper and loves to pick on the clan cats he finds.


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Adderfang, a Shadowclan warrior with brown and white tabbied fur and light green eyes. A tom with a bad temper, he's often found starting border fights and sneering at other cats in both his own clan and during gatherings.


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((Designed by shakespearenerd on dA))

Scorpiontail....doesn't look happy to see you, what did you do to him?...

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