

Deaf | Gamer | Graphic Designer | 30+ |
GW2: StarSilverZero.5673 (CD) and StarSilverOne.2809 (SoS) |
Likes: 2ne1 & Jessica Jung (idol) | FayeYoko
Moved now

フォロー数:605 フォロワー数:76



Hello everyone, I was busy on the hiatus and now it's closer to April 9th. The reason is the first anniversary. Thank you for reading and enjoy. Bonus of drawing. 8 day left to go!

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Working on Personal Project! It may called "The Era of Chaos"

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A Inspired by sui ishida' drawing from 'Tokyo Ghoul √A ED I tried it then. ;D

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Number 4; "The i" [Rename if you like]

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Number 3; "Soft Sides" [Rename if you like]

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Number 2; "Rough" [Rename if you like]

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I use that what? it looks like useful to me. AWESOME~

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