

🇲🇽🇨🇦- I'm learning to make art. I'm really shy..i have too many ocs banner by: @ZenUnique1 pfp by:@PepperoniRay

フォロー数:1006 フォロワー数:838

8) Ahhh its a mix between Johto and Hoenn
9) dragonite! it gives out such great hugs
10) Victini! it seriously needs more love

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4) Articuno (galarian)
5) Mega lucario
6) I do like alolan forms, but alolan raichu takes the cake
7) Rowlet..just look at him, hes just a little dude

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if I have one hope for the Mario movie is that they show/reference these characters

Daisy because she's my favourite character and lets give Luigi some action

Bowser jr and the koopalings, they'd be awesome for the second movie just chaos and chaos

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Fun fact- despite consuming nearly 40 souls, 10 entire pizzas and who knows how many pounds of candy. Alex still has pearly white teeth…SOMEHOW

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fun fact- Richie nicknames everything around him. even different realities get nicknames from "swirl ball" to "fish bowl" (mostly because he contains realities in fish bowls)

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This was the best Gohan not in terms of strength or how hype it was...but in terms of a character who did not want to be a part of the fight but got dragged into it and snapped

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Fun fact- Andrew is clueless to the fact that most people find him adorable, he’d rather be focused on literally anything else

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Haven't done an Alex fact in a while but here we go

fun fact- Alex can regrow and pull out his teeth with ease, it's the one way he avoids going to the dentist. he can chew through metal and stone..but only in his more giant form

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