

30+ yo || English/Spanish || Mostly Little Witch Academia fanart.…

フォロー数:1427 フォロワー数:1769
# lwa_jp

Inspired by comment about how Croix's hair looks like she was from Yu-gi-oh!

56 141

Chloé is in her bunk, pretending to be asleept, thinking about how Diana doesn't have to deal with this kind of thing.

42 130

Woah! Reached 500 followers and 1000 tweets! ;_; Thanks everyone!

26 89

I took the idea for this from the Hidamari Sketch manga. In the original it was Natsume in Diana's role with that feeling of unintentionally being left out.

43 161

Cleaned it up, fixed some things and decided to make it Chariot version.

21 80

Found an old crop from a manga I had saved and thought Ursula would look cute in the same pose.

26 103