

⊗ Jersey girl looking to find a place in the world. Existentially, not geographically. I'm already in New Jersey. ⊗ 🌸🏵️Mastodon: @[email protected]…

フォロー数:17 フォロワー数:85

Only if they cast her as his love interest Sue Storm...

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Her primary personality traits, which have remained even after M & her little sisters were extracted from Penance, are loyalty to her friends/chosen family & fierce determination to never be a prisoner again. Her traumatized background led to an "unfortunate" outcome recently...

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Is it too much to hope for an interview with Princess Sally?

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I mean... does anyone else on the team have this power?

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There's only one worthy of the Phoenix Force...

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Tails & Knuckles are almost certain to both be involved in this, which is great, but is it too much to hope for that Sonic goes home to help the Knothole Freedom Fighters?

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Yay, glad this pairing won. The expressions are great, I think you do your best expressions when they're softer like they are here. Also, flowers are the perfect motif for their relationship.

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Ifrit-boarding Sephiroth, Vincent, and Eiko while they still have EXPx2 going for them (combine with book for EXPx4). Finished the Perfectum Lost Trials; now doing the last few LCs for the 15 CPs (Palom through Quistis). And waiting for Zack's EX. Overall, a pretty good Friday.

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When will Digimon ReArise become available worldwide?

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"This is farcical..." Side Note: What is "Dispose of my companion -heart-" supposed to mean? It sounds like he's happy to kill off one of his companions... must be a translation difference? Agreed with the guy who said make some Aerith stickers! =^_^=

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