

Scream Internally_Ship like life depend on|Thorki|Gavin900|SessRin|Xicheng💙💜/💜💙|•Drawing•Lavenderfield•love Angst:🤝😭/LXC standรัก+แม่ยกพี่ซีเฉิน+LHK🌊

フォロー数:202 フォロワー数:1754


55 188

Thank you Clanaa~ for art train 🚆

I can see now that my moods keep swing around like a chandelier
of silly fluff, angst and cursed horny 🤣📦
Gonna tag but only if you want to do it of course 🥺 https://t.co/CdooszSaJ7

15 45

Day1:Animal AU (both got turn in to a🐇&🐈‍⬛)
💜: no more touch ma bun hubby!!😤
💙: 😳**rabbit crisis internal binky **

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