

フォロー数:421 フォロワー数:4151

Quick painting doodle of my oc Eira, Hes a knight magical boy type-

21 103

A quick maid chongyun - very messy ahklsg

30 127

Some ocs that I sketched before aaa messy and I might draw one of them more??

3 33

I finally got him bois- we got him bois-

0 18

One day I'll be living in the stars up above

A quick painting doodle, wanted to do some spacey theme since I mixed it agdshf

1 35

I painted wwx with flowers on hair again ahklghds I love him with flowers

37 175

WIP oc- hopefully ill be able to finish this soon! 😔

2 51

Also did a lil sketchy comic for wwx bday too, contiuning that painting I did adfsgdfh

35 165