

🇬🇧 An artist on my own time outside work with my own characters and eventually story.

フォロー数:227 フォロワー数:26

Some fan art for when she goes back to uni, creating a costume that is more winter ready using the others she has as a reference. Good luck!

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was the first one completed just needed to go back to add two types of cloak as the original I did was a but too scaly for my tastes. I went a bit too far off the reference upon examining the design in the tidying phase also experimenting with glow in the design.

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was first one done, second technically, I wanted to redo the coat on the first, wanting to get the details of this image done right.

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A couple of different digital designs I made for assets and experimenting on a new system doing art one of Linnin and the other of space.

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Prince Milo by the way Ashly’s hometown friend probably add a few bit to his design though more alien, better proportions, even a bit more muscles to be more inline with his dad.

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This time I decided to redo Stataros, combining elements of both his normal and winter clothes to come up with a new, more fit design.

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One of the villains of the story Linnin, he’s good though really and loves his spiders, made and trained to hunt Stat interacting with the crew and is a rotter like Olivia but he’s nice overall as a person.

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One watercolour painting of yanma and another Acrylic painting landscape I made to practice bugs/animals and the other to act as a front cover to one of my art books.

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