

Hail and Well Met!

- He/Him
- Knight-with-a-dayjob PNGtuber
- Collector of OCs

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フォロー数:1281 フォロワー数:350

You want MY OCs? Well HERE YA GO Sleepy Succuby! The one and only Hush!
(art by )

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When there is a threat to the Helmpire, Steelhelm dons his armor and takes to the battlefield! Also, never face a horde without your trusty amorphous partner! TO ARMS! HUZZAH!
(art by , Blobshield is if you are curious)

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Apropos of Nothing. Here is Steelhelm Possessed By A Cat God. Base art by . Cat-augment by . Send your love to them both, and remember to praise your local deities for humble blessings.

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"Hey Steel, now that Hushmonth is over, you're gonna stop being obsessed with your OCs, right?"
Maybe. Or maybe you could join the hottest Fitness Martial Arts gym in the realm! Headed by the infamous FIGHT himself!
(Art by )

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BONUS Content!
Cause my darling is an absolute UNIT. I thought Hush couldn't look any more badass. But I am now gleefully corrected. If there were a time to hide under your blanket, that'd be now. Sweet Dreams
(art by )

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Happy Halloween!
And for the Grande Finale! Behold and weep at your misfortune. For once you have seen Hush at her Maximum Boogie, only nightmares and terror await for all eternity. Whatever you did to deserve such a haunt, it musta been REAL bad.
(Art by )

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Goes on with a guest cameo!
Once upon a time, there was a fiendish kitty cat that met a horrible under-the-bed-monster. The power of spooky overcame them! From whence, a powerful being was born!
(art and the delightful Keno by )

4 15

aint never stoppin!
A benefit of being a Nightmare creature is to take the shape of any fiendish form you like. Be it a giant, hulking monstrosity, or the most terrifying thing of all, an adorable little bean. What terrors will she commit!?
(Art by )

4 15

At it again!
No matter the season, it is always Halloween, even when it is not. Keep them jingle jangles spooky, friends. And if you see a Boogie offering a love letter, you better well take it.
(Art by )

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If you ask nicely, Hush would love to show off her collection of Halloween trinkets. Which are real? Which are plastic? Which are horrible tools of dark rituals? Who's to say?
(art by )

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