

The most adorable fruit Pokemon around, Steenee! #762
Here to melt the hearts of many with it's sweet and joyful personality
A friend to all! ❤️

フォロー数:438 フォロワー数:713

Another year, another vote for my favorite Pokemon Steenee!/アママイコ!

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Can't believe how much Steenee has started popping up more in products/merchandise since 2019. I might've missed some here but it makes me so happy to see her in what feels like everything lately!!

If she appears in New Snap or even a Poketoon short I'd explode of happiness 💗

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Some expression shots from the anime that have been sitting around in my folder for months without a use in sight. So here 🤗

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"Yay! My big sis made it in Alola's Top 30 Pokemon!!!"

Sadly no Steenee in the results but kinda expected, thanks guys for voting though much appreciated! ❤️

But HUGE congrats to Tsareena for making it to Top 30! 20 even!!! Really happy to see one of the line made it on there!

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