Artist, illustratorさんのプロフィール画像

Artist, illustratorさんのイラストまとめ

Artist, illustrator / Illustratör, tecknare, konstnär.

フォロー数:112 フォロワー数:376

Will be at with our Graphic Novel ASHES. Typefont dialogue bubbles "Might Makes Right" by Nate Piekos . To me that's also part of this story. I saw Blambot & whanted to use their fonts for 7 years! And in 2020 I did!

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Min illustration till artikel i Fokus, nyhetstidningen. "Konsten att bota Mr. Hyde". Till kultursidorna. Ni kan läsa artikeln i Fokus i länken i kommentaren nedan.

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My latest editorial illustration for the Magazine. Always great fun to work with editorial qork: magazine, feature articles and overall journalist articles. /

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Meatloaf I just can't turn off, on the Radio. It won't happen. "Two out of three ain't bad".

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Good morning world. An illustrator here. Time to work on my end of the planet. Just finished my fresh grinded coffee and bread and tomatoes. Now walking my dog and then start to draw, illustrate some. Cheers!

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Musmatta illustration Monitors Entangled, Stefan Lindblad

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Gjorde en redaktionell illustration om svartvit film, för tidningen Fokus

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B&W film. My editorial illustration, vector, for Swedish News Magazine Fokus. A cultural article about black and white holywood film movies

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People often overreact billions of people would agree. If I had lots followers & post: "DMC 12 not for less fortunate people", people could go mental. Call me names. Not knowing I love one, no money to buy it & still dreaming to have 1. And they would still vote Trump.

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