

I like to draw anthro military rebels, fantasy themes and other stuff. SFW account, icon by @KelFoxie

フォロー数:408 フォロワー数:401

happy birthday ! heres a little game over scene I doodled for ya^^

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Goat version of how I look now after I got ah bushy beard^^
noooot entirely sure if this is the colour scheme I'm going to go with but atleast this is a good first draft

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Here we have a silly little art trade drawing I had with where we have his fellow show off the latest fashion =p

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Here is my drawing for a friend named Blackie for the Wildlands secret santa event.
Blackie likes ShowerBeers for some weird reasion so I made him into a christmas showerbeer ad^^

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Here is my secret santa drawing for the Rexal discord server which ended up being my pirate friend

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oh congratz mate! I need to get up earlier so I can catch your streams^^

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a little drawing for of his archer wolf, who doesn't wear a mask but he can't stop me adding one for cool factor =P

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So I figured I'd make a little birthday for the cervine tsundere aka Tomo

Here's a scene of a time before the bandits knew better than to try rob the postmaster himself Tomo and had to learn it the hard way

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Here we have an event drawing I did, where my rebel Vladimir has swapped gear with a sci fi character named Ar'nosh (of creation) and Vlad IS LOVING the UPGRADE^^

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here a late birthday gift for of his smuggler Ar'nosh who is very pleased with the size of this burger^^

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