

フォロー数:717 フォロワー数:8170

"So let me get this straight, you think all women are bitches and whores"

"I do, and I'm tired of pretending they're not" https://t.co/TUDYp02lvY

15 76

Troy Baker should tell this story instead tbh

27 101

FFXV moments eternally rent free in my head

19 87

If Trails had more than 5 fans people would make threads like "um, I saw some of my friends getting into this despite the nazi iconography, it just makes me uncomfortable"

14 51

When you go to the barber and you don't have enough social skills to tell them you hate what they're doing

29 205

This is for Final Fantasy fans that wanna know what actual T-Shirt drip looks like

8 33

Aquaman Star JASON MOMOA set to star in live-action "Neon Genesis Evangelion" movie

60 221