

Freelance Concept Artist and Illustrator
Commission Info: tinyurl.com/stevesketchesc…
🟦 = SteveSketches
Stream: Twitch.tv/SteveSketches

フォロー数:1380 フォロワー数:29039

Working on some character cards for my wife's campaign.

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And because nobody asked, here are both characters together.

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My wife is running a solo game for me. This is one of the characters I'm playing. His name is Darby Monaghan and he's going to become a ranger. But first, he'll have to find a sponsor to pay for his tuition...

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Saol, Earth Genasi Cleric of Kelemvor

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A friendly axolotl rogue. Feels good to be back in the game again.

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Excited to finally share a bit of what I've been working on for , here are some pieces for !! If you like miniature tabletop gaming, please consider supporting the campaign! I can't wait to make more concepts like these!

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