Steve Wrenさんのプロフィール画像

Steve Wrenさんのイラストまとめ

フォロー数:618 フォロワー数:3175

With our first Kill Team event fast approaching I guess we should get some Kill Zones on the go…

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It also features some awesome artwork inspired by having his ironclad destroyed by a Terrorgheist

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Hemlock Wraithfighter finished as well now. Photographing big red things is not easy! Looks about 30% brighter in this photo!

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Starting on the Forbidden Power spells today. Just need to pop some grass and tufts on these two.

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Had a good paint session tonight. Finished up three of my five howling Banshees for the

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Only six....??? I appear to have 24...

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I also have tiny planes today too!

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All three of the Tzeentch endless spells completed. Could be ready for
Or do I stick with the Slaves To Darkness list?

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I will attempt some better photos at some point tomorrow, but the Archaon rebase operation is done. It was a little bit touch and go for a while.

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