

im the stick dude :v

フォロー数:521 フォロワー数:1501

Spent the day making characters for the next animation! Gonna be fun to experiment and see how to animate each one.

0 21

I just noticed I forgot to giVE HIM A GLOVE IN THIS FRAME SONOFA

1 23

After spending the last two days going over a TON of revisions I think I've finally finished my new intro and outro. I made the new intro simple and 3 seconds this time, can't believe I made it a full 10 before

0 20

4 Disney themed playing cards for my art class. please do not sue me Disney

2 28

My short film is takin forever to make cause I don't know how to animate actual arms that aren't lines

0 22

I'm trying to improve the backgrounds on my short film. I really like how it came out but I'm still testing out all the tools on Clip Studio

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God dang it I wanna make like a 1-2 minute tf2 short cause I wanna make something that won't take too long cause of lack of time but every idea I've had so far is taking awhile. I gotta post something so my channel has SOME activity

2 21

Holy crap, 1 Million views?? Thanks so much for watching my junk even though I post every other other month! As for the review, it's nearly finished and should be out soon!

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