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Four Continents Championships 2021 will be held in Sydney Australia!
Fantasic news for Aussie skaters who'll get the rare opportunity to compete at home, local fans, and kids who'll have a chance to be inspired by the best in the world!
#stickfigureskating #figureskating #4CC https://t.co/0LDrBGhM4O
Sticker samples.
Any requests? 🤔
#YuzuruHanyu #hanyuyuzuru
#AlinaZagitova #masaru #マサル #figureskating #フィギュアスケート
Masaru Zagitova, 'Dog Quixote'
#stickfigureskating #masaru #マサル #alinazagitova #алиназагитова #figureskating #pyeongchang2018 #olympics #winterolympics2018 #winterolympics #isufigureskating #isufigure #iceskating #ballet #フィギュアスケート #donquixote
Congratulations to Sunshine Skater and real life Pac-Man, Jason Brown! New PB into 2nd place and the skate of the night!
#stickfigureskating #jasonbrown #worlds2019 #worldfigure #saitama2019 #世界フィギュアスケート選手権 #世界フィギュア #フィギュアスケート
#LRT To the Cricket Club!
#stickfigureskating #superjavi #javierfernandez #teamorser #figureskating #フィギュアスケート
Olympic Throwback
February 20th 2018
Tessa Virtue and Scott Moir set another world record and take the gold to become the most decorated ice dance couple in Olympic history.
#stickfigureskating #virtuemoir #tessavirtue #scottmoir #pyeongchang2018 #icedance #figureskating
Olympic Throwback
February 15th 2018: Aljona Savchenko wins her first gold medal at her 5th Olympic Games with partner Bruno Massot.
#stickfigureskating #aljonasavchenko #brunomassot #figureskating #winterolympics2018 #pyeongchang2018 #フィギュアスケート
Good luck to the sunniest samurai in the free skate tomorrow!
#stickfigureskating #figureskating #denissvasiljevs #eurofigure #eurofigure2019 #iceskating #フィギュアスケート
Piper Gilles & Paul Poirier, "Vincent (Starry Starry Night)"
#stickfigureskating #pipergilles #paulpoirier #gillespoirier #CTNSC19 #figureskating #icedance #フィギュアスケート #アイスダンス