

🇨🇭🇭🇷 | Scientific Illustrator | Concept Artist | Illustrator | Bibliophile | D&D Player | Connaisseur of lame puns | he/him

|| Open for commissions ||

フォロー数:1419 フォロワー数:924

Another WIP, to be continued tomorrow

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Cool guys don‘t look at explosions / Cool gals don‘t look at pitoresque cityscapes

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Sketch from todays sketching-get-together with the amazing

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Study. 60 minutes, one brush only (hard edges), no ctrl & Z, no eraser.

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Was out with Josy and today. Got asked to draw a hybrid between Tasmanian Devil and Boxerfish. Just a normal Saturday afternoon.

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Sketch of Temsyn, the Kijani queen from our D&D campaign

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