

Alpha Caller - twitter.com/ninesealsnft Alpha Caller - Metaplug twitter.com/metaplug__
Tristan Rettich (@pixeldreams_art) maxi
Elysian Nexus OG

フォロー数:3548 フォロワー数:4518

POV: You are overlooking Web3 artists (Tristan Rettich) and . Gruff's floor's are criminally low. Tristan's Orbs have recently risen to a .15 floor. Here are my two Gruff pieces I own:

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THank you so much!!!!!! I was just airdropped this amazing piece from Feeling very lucky! For any of my followers that haven't checked out Gruff's artwork, please do. My other gruff piece is: https://t.co/Pbw5w6gs7l

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