

Loves cute petrified girls (and also want to be one) She/her🏳️‍🌈
I also do ASFR MMD.
Deviantart @cockatriceswatchatyo…

フォロー数:357 フォロワー数:1867

32. Illya from Fate/Kaleid Liner Prisma Illya (A bit of a sus choice I know)
33. Rider (Medusa) from Fate Stay Night. I thought, it would be fitting to have her as the final character here🤭

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So done with From Soft girls🤣
26. Luminas Valentine from Slime Tensura (Slime Isekai) Also dont know how I forgot her yesterday.
27. Shuna from Slime Tensura as well

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23. Sister Friede from Dark Souls 3
24. Melina fomr Elden Ring
25. Ranni the Witch from Elden Ring. (I know that this is just a puppet for her soul, still I really like her, and nobody ever said something of dolls being not able to be turned into stone🤭)

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21. Emerald herald form Dark Souls 2
22. Zulie the witch from Dark Souls 2
A shame that you could not petrify NPC in the game. Zulie also has no official Artwork.

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17. + 18. Pyra and Mythra from Xenoblade Chronicle 2.
Honestly dont know how I forgott those 2.

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16. Dianna Cavendish from Little Witch Academia

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14. Serena form Pokemon

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13. And number 12 beatufil wife fate testarossa (I am pretty sure there was something that they are a pair, but I dont know, never watch it)

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11. Sanea Kochiya also from Touhou (god I hate spelling her name)

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10. Reimu Hakurei from Touhou

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