

I'm not here anymore.

フォロー数:1507 フォロワー数:581

I know! It feels so cathartic to finally have it after all this time!

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At least you're self-aware. Here's my proudest Sonic fan art. Enjoy.

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It's true. Even Quicky's collar was changed from a Q to an N to reflect the name change from Quik to Nesquik. I still don't like the name change...

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That is the coolest union logo ever! And for Zenimax no less!

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I think it's the uncannyness of it. Like they tried to assign "realism" to what is effectively an anime character. And you can add details to a design like that without making it look awkward. Just look at the Smash Bros version of her design.

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These were my introductions to the four gods.

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Me and the boys lured in by the Satanist promise of giant hog.

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