Stop Trumpさんのプロフィール画像

Stop Trumpさんのイラストまとめ

My name is Petra the Hot Blond. I know just how to entice men like Donny.

フォロー数:20298 フォロワー数:83353

Maybe this is the answer - Donny is addicted to pain killers!

43 88

I think Sessions should be deported!!

317 528

Why did Comey notify Congress of the investigation of Clinton but not the investigation of Trump?

302 410

Meals on Wheels help so many veterans, seniors and others in needs. However, the WH does not see their value because Trump does not benefit

376 541

As the Repugs turn on Trump and start to battle him - I will grab my popcorn, sit back and laugh.

61 126

Trump is a racist!! Trump is an antisemite!! PERIOD!!

174 318

Time for everyone to push back against agenda

190 329

This is why Trump has the rallies - so he can hand out the Kool-aid to thousands of uneducated voters

386 600

I truly believe Trump needs mental health care. He is disconnected from reality. Good thing will pay for it.

210 402