The Phoenix of Grunvale (Now on Blauer Himmel)さんのプロフィール画像

The Phoenix of Grunvale (Now on Blauer Himmel)さんのイラストまとめ

Why are you still here? Go to Blauer Himmel already.

フォロー数:1562 フォロワー数:1083
# wip

Yes. Yes it is. And it's not just a Gilda thing among my characters, a lot of them wear suits or at least a blazer.

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(sees Kansas, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, and South Carolina)

Come and get ‘er.

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All your knowledge and memories of one of these shows is completely erased. That way, you can go in blind once more, and experience it all over again. Which one do you pick?

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I just had someone on my DA refer to Margo as Sally. I'm not gonna say who they were because I don't want to embarrass them, but it does beg the question, do they look too similar to one another? Like, even with Sally being Margo's mother?

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I’ve noticed a recent trend on animation Twitter, of redrawing newer episodes of shows in the style of the older episodes. So I took a crack at it. Here’s my attempt at drawing a scene from Family Guy’s "Dog Bites Bear" in the show’s pre-revival style.

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...Toad Man. Anyone who has played Mega Man 4 knows how laughably easy his AI is to figure out and exploit.

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Yoshi is a good game, you know. And it's developed by Game Freak! Because yes, Game Freak does more than Pokemon.

Hm, that reminds me, who among my followers recognizes this other non-Pokemon Game Freak title?

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time! How many of you can guess what this will be a sequel to from just this image?

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