

Chicagologist. Journalist. Writer. All-around geek. Долой путинистов осквернивших нашу Родину. Свободу России, раз и навсегда. עַם יִשְׂרָאֵל חַי

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✔️ I'm McKaylee Thayne and I used to dream of so many things I never thought I'd get. Wealth. Hot guys. Popularity. I'd really like to quash the awkward, insecure girl in me who still thinks guys as hot as Aedan and Seth can't really love me for me.

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✔️ I'm Kaydence Fuerte, and, just to change it up this month - I was an assassin who retired to run a bookstore and pine. I would wish for Seth Brave Rock to get out of a toxic dungpile that is McKaylee Thayne. I'd say "and dates me" but that's two wishes

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✔️ I'm Aunestie Greenbird, and yes, that's my real name. What can I say - grandma was a Mormon. I write dark kaizo romance and handle OoS stuff in UP. If I could change anything, it would be to somehow stop human experimentation on innocent people, especially kids.

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✔️I'm McKaylee Thayne and, ladies, I don't think I could take a trip alone even if I wanted to. Either my over-protective husband or my sweet boyfriend would try to keep an eye on me, even though that thing with the LDS convention was all Aunestie's fault

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✔️I'm Kaydence Fuerte. I run a bookshop in Stonington, a lovely seaside town in Maine. As far as dream destinations, I'm going to dream big, go for one of those ridunculously expensive interplanetary tours, visit Hometree, Throneworld, Heart of Ramala, the works

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✔️I'm Riley Pyrzynski, a researcher at Ortiz Institute of Extranormal Sciences, among other things. To your question, I find that it is important to remember that each city has its own quirks locals take as a given, which is frustrating but utterly fascinating

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✅ "I am McKaylee... Hale. Let's go with that. I've only ever really loved two men. The first thing I noticed about Aedan was his radiant beauty and those striking purple eyes. Seth... He makes fun of me for it, but I first noticed the stains on his T-shirt"

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✅ "I am Kaydence Fuerte, a bisexual bookseller from Escanaba (I don't live there anymore, but alliteration!). And the things I've done for love... oh, ladies, I can fill a book, but helping a girl I loved get together with a guy is still pretty up there"

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"I'm Kaydence Fuerte, I own a lovely little bookstore in a lovely town in Maine. I like to think of myself a matchmaker. I don't want to save the world - I just want to ply Seth away from McKaylee. And no, I won't assassinate anyone for you, so don't even ask"

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