

🍓NOT Constantly Posting🍓 Some 🔞

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"I didn't know you speak Italian" IT DIDN'T EVEN SOUND ITALIAN😭😭😭SEVEN YOU POOR BABY 😭😭 Im ded ☠️

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AHHHHHHH noO- you should do what you want to do first 🌞 it motivates me more when I start something that I want to do 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 u amazin watevr u do, so do wat ye wanteth 🌝☄️💫💥⭐️

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’s Red Light, Flower district Au/Ua 🥀🌹❤️

Made some concept skits around the topic ☺️💛 I’m in love with this idea 😍


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Dammmn。・゚・(ノД`)・゚・。.... The suffering Qi's going through... I hope Wu's existence compensates his pain some way or another 💔💕💞😔(´༎ຶ ͜ʖ ༎ຶ `)♡

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tw: depression, suicide, hints of unclear harmful objects in contact (I.e. knife-cuts, scissors-cuts, etc.)

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