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I hate how people are saying Deku sucks because of how he didn't work for his powers, they were just given.

As if like most weebs didn't just finish licking the heels of Mr. Demon Fox and Mr. Magic eyes overe here

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I'm Henry, I'm bisexual and I'm sorry if the flag meant just for gay people and not the entire LGBTQ+, feel free to correct me. Sorry.

Anyway, here's my art, I don't really got any other info to share right now. Thank you.

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I kinda don't have much to show, sorry

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Red? Dragon? Robot? With cannons? I didn't know Blitz Greymon existed and now he's my favourite

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Hi, I'm Henry and these are my artwork. My favourite band is blink-182, I just really like old crappy pop punk songs from the 90's to early 2000s. My favourite song of theirs is Wildfire from their California Deluxe album.

Sorry, I dont know who to tag, I've been off for so long

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Hi, I'm Henry and these are my artworks

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Oh cool, a hashtag I can join!

I made art for days straight last September to October because I was just hyper focused at it, but not I lost interest a bit and can't even finish one artwork. Now I'm fixated with exercise which cuts into drawing time

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It's a two-way tie between these two, Kiko and Pam.

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I'm sorry, I found this on google, it's from Reddit. I hadn't realized until I googled it that their names weren't Cupman and Mughead.

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