


フォロー数:15 フォロワー数:17

F: It's so our family can eat...

F: That's it... behave yourself "pretty little doll".. good girl~

C: Let's play the usual~...


4 11

* ........
......I ԃσɳ'ƚ ƚԋιɳƙ ყσυ ɯαɳƚ ƚσ ɱҽҽƚ ɱҽ.........

4 14

L: ((*your eyes are so beautiful, that they look like two beautiful blue sapphires))

H: ((*So that was the history of this kingdom.. it's something interesting))

7 19


*This is his fault, HIS FAULT.. if there hadn't been.. I wouldn't..



*... Mother ...?

4 21

*I know it's late but... I hope you liked to know something about me!! hehe :D 💙✨

2 14

*...I have to find a way to control this before it's too late...I don't know how long I can take it... 💔🔹

7 23

🖤 Santoshi (__) Walker🔲

*Age: 21 years old


*she is the first princess of the greatest kingdom of the 5 kingdoms (Light Soul's)

*Her "father" disinherited her throne as the next queen.

*She has something that guarantees her throne


7 24

*...I don't think I can take this anymore...


5 15

*He hides one of his eyes since his eye is corrupted and his hair itself represents some corrosion since he had totally white hair.

*He was orphaned at the age of 14 in a horrible way...

(3/3) end.

1 3

*What do you see me!!... oh excuse me, do you want to know who I am? in a moment you will know 💛

3 12