

Nerius.: Writer of cartoons, scribbler of oddities, Nonsense animator. Do DM me for art/writing mercenary business

フォロー数:922 フォロワー数:184

A wee peek at some animation tests I'm doing with Lyla and'll discover what horrid nonsense they're up to soon('s animation)

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You, boy - what day is it?
Today, sir? Why it's o'course!
You mean I haven't missed it? I get to say that I create illustrations&animations - AND that folk can visit to see more?
And what about the bodies in the basement, sir?
Quiet, you!

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Meet Lyla, my woodlouse friend who's gonna be all up in your animated business soon.

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And how do we get our fugly children over to you, ?

Wow..that's a sentence that could get us both investigated by the authorities...

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Hello, I'm Nerius! I'm a scriptwriter on preschool shows for which my lips are sewn by NDAs! Preschool animation is more challenging than most other writing I've done - you still try to tell intriguing, intelligent tales.
Here's some of my illustration work, too:

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Goddamn, I guess I'm posting this AGAIN today - as is under the impression that talks are going well, but the Dutch PM says UK's sleepwalking into a no-deal scenario. Which can only suggest she was at a quite different "meeting" to everyone else

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There are some more samples over on my portfolio - thanks for taking a peek!

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I'm almost certain this is what she's really doing every time she says she's having "meetings with the EU"

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Gonna be posting this every day says she's "continuing meetings with the EU"about her deal...because I'm pretty sure this is what she's really doing.

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Pretty convinced this is what's really happening whenever says she's having "meetings with the EU"

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